piMEGSpiMEGS is the new modular, cross-platform, multi-vehicle and multi-operator Ground Control Station (GCS) on the market.
Possible applications with the use of unmanned vehicles are countless, why create static GCS for just a few scenarios? Thanks to the native plugin architecture, piMEGS allows the user to customize the GUI with graphical, custom, and application-specific tools.
With piMEGS, the operator has full
mission control: georeferenced maps, mission planning using waypoints, home waypointreal-time variations of mission plan, streaming video, vehicles-specific advanced configuration panels, selection of manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic guidance systems, delineation of large areas with a few mouse clicks, automatic generation of waypoints, dynamic positioning, and much more are just some of the features available.
Whether it's air, land or sea scenario, or even joint, piMEGS is the ideal solution for monitoring and control of your mission.

piMEGS (PItom Modular Extendable Ground Station) è un software di controllo sviluppato interamente da Pitom e ampiamente utilizzato e testato sul campo con diverse tipologie di veicoli autonomi e con simulazioni di tipo HIL (Hardware In the Loop).
Tale software è stato realizzato in modo da permettere il controllo e il monitoraggio simultaneo di più veicoli autonomi eventualmente cooperanti, permettendo all'utente di pianificare con facilità missioni di elevata complessità.
piMEGS è basato su plugin e quindi facilmente estendibile.

PITOM snc - P.IVA 02002070502 - SS12, 51 - 56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI) - Tel. (+39) 050 817472


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